Monday, March 23, 2015

"There is SUNSHINE in my SOUL TODAY!"

Welcome to the "Sunshine For The Soul" Blog! 

This is an exciting time for me, and the start of this blog.  I have been inspired to start this blog to bring AWARNESS & ADVOCACY for those associated with Children who have been Sexually Abused by either a familiar or non-familiar abuser.  This is not going to be a "sugar-coated" easy-reading blog.  This topic is extremely difficult to deal with for all involved, from the child who has been abused to the parent or care-giver for the abused child.  This subject is very close to my own heart, as I am a SURVIVOR of Childhood Sexual Abuse.  That's what we are, SURVIVORS and NOT victims.

I am a Proud Wife, a Mom, a Sister, a Daughter, a Niece, a Cousin, a Friend, a Survivor, and a Daughter of God.  My story of sexual abuse is a sad one, as all are.  I was sexually abused over a number of years by an older male cousin, who will remain nameless, but for those who know my family, you will have a pretty good idea of whom I am writing about.  I, unfortunately, was not his only prey over the years.  My older sister was also experiencing the same horror by this sick relative.  Years later, my sister was the brave one and pressed charges.  I, on the other hand, was unable to remember the horrible memories until years later.  And now my suppressed memories are no longer suppressed.  My memories are now back, vivid in my mind and in full force.  I used to wish for my memories to come back to me.  What do they say, "Be Careful What You Wish For"?  Well, some days I regret that wish.  Some days I remember the "good" memories, hooray.  Some days I wake up crying or even screaming frantically from the "bad" memories.  (Taking the good with the bad I guess.)  Thankfully my husband is the most understanding soul I know, and he's been there to help me gather my thoughts when the "bad" memories arise.

As my blog entries continue, I will share my story as difficult as it has been.  I will also be sharing helpful links on helping those who have been Sexually Abused and how to cope with this difficult issue. 

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