Friday, March 27, 2015


My initial post was a little shocking for some of my family and friends, but I thank you all for your support and concern.  I'm so thankful for my husband and his support. Starting this blog was of great concern to me because I did not want him to feel embarrassed or ashamed of me. On the contrary, he could not be more proud of what I wanted to do and what I want to accomplish.  And then there's my sister, another one of my great supporters. Being able to speak to her openly about our experiences has been an outlet for me that would not be possible with anyone else.

Acceptance is definitely the first step to healing. These are the things I have learned to accept:
1.  I was a child and I did nothing wrong.  
2.  I am not to blame for what happened to me.
3.  My parents are not to blame for what happened to me.
4.  His parents are not to blame for what happened to me.
5.  The blame and responsibility lies with him.
6.  I will not let this define me as a person.
7.  I have worth.
8.  I have the strength and courage to get through this trial.

For years my anger has fueled an awful hate within me.  It's time to let it go, as my wise husband has counseled me. And through my faith and prayer, I have been able to let go of the anger.  I have been able to accept my trials, as awful as they have been, and I have a renewed strength and courage to work through them.

You can do this too! 
You can let go of your hate and your anger!  
You can live courageously!
You have the strength within you!
You have worth and you are loved!

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